When we talk about a meeting situations when driving, we definitely are not talking about gathering around a table and having a chat.

What we mean is how you would deal with an oncoming vehicle where space is limited or where cars are parked.

We need to know that you know how to deal with these types of situations.
When to stop.
Where to stop.
When to Go.
Who has Priority.

And the dangers of getting it wrong!

Meeting Situations

Generally when it comes to driving,
oncoming vehicles tend to not cause us any concern.

There is usually a "Their side of the road" and an "Our side of the road"

Places where oncoming traffic may need a lot more attention are places such as
residential estates, town centres, rural roads and generally smaller narrow roads.

How do we deal with oncoming traffic? Defensively is the easiest answer.

Being a defensive driver is normally the safest way to drive.
However, that is not to say that at any given time you must stop and let oncoming vehicles pass you first.
It is all about whether you have priority or not, and whether by you waiting for them may lead to more problems than it may lead to by going.

Planning ahead will massively help to enable you to make a informed decision as to your actions.
Is there a gap for me to pull into ahead?
Will I cause congestion behind me if I wait?
If I wait will that end up blocking the road?
Is there signage to tell me I have priority?
Is it safe for me to proceed?
Am I stopping when there is adequate space for me to continue that may lead to confusing vehicles behind me?
Am I making my intentions clear?
Did the oncoming car flash me to carry on or do they mean they are coming?
Lots of decisions to make, and ultimately
IF YOU DON'T KNOW ..............DON'T GO!
If a "Meeting situation" arises, first and foremost use the MSPSGL routine.
Make your intentions clear to everyone, and especially to vehicles following you.
If you pull in to allow the oncoming vehicle through, do the vehicles following you understand that you have just pulled in to allow the oncoming vehicles through?
By positioning yourself far enough out in your lane to make your intentions clear to following traffic, it will ensure that they don't get impatient and try overtaking you, but will still allow the oncoming vehicles enough space to fit through.
Don't stop right up behind a parked car as this will mean you need additional steering to get out and around it, or you may even need to have to reverse back first and this will cause issues with vehicles behind you.
By stopping about two car lengths back from parked vehicles it will make your move off much easier, make your intentions clearer and will allow for much less steering being required.